Friday, December 10, 2010

five seconds from a nervous breakdown

I have lots to blog our trip to Virginia for Thanksgiving or Quinn's company holiday party or Asher's bout with the croup which kept us indoors and exhausted for five days but I can't bring myself to do any of it since I feel like I am constantly five seconds from a nervous breakdown.

Suddenly Asher has become so defiant. Just the most casual mention of the word "no" sends him into all sorts of hysterics. I just feel like I deal with tantrum after tantrum all day long. Today we had a serious power struggle over lunch and in the end I'm pretty sure he won as he ended up eating lunch on my lap instead of in the high chair. Oh, well, I'll try again tomorrow. I also feel like he has reached a whole new level of destruction not to mention the fact that I'm on Death Watch 2010 as he now pulls a chair to wherever he wants to get to, be it the stove, the knives, etc.. And have I mentioned how many times he has tumbled from these stools yet he is still not deterred??? And to top it all off all I can think of is that in about 4 months I get to add a newborn into the mix. Look for me sometime soon in a mental hospital near you.


jenna marie said...

holy smokes lady, you've got your hands full! Your post reminds me of the stories Linnea and Grandma were sharing over Thanksgiving about Jason as a kid. Seems he was unstoppable too. So I guess you can look at it that way: Asher will grow up to be a genius like his cool uncle Jason!

Kurt and Ash said...

OH MY I know exactly how you feel about the tantrums. If I say "NO" to Holden he throws himself on the ground and screams until I give in, and these days I have been giving in a lot...oh well it saves my sanity! Good luck with Asher, because I feel like its only the beginning of tantrums with Holden!

Kim said...

I'll tell you the truth...Most days a straight jacket (so I can't do anything!), a clean white room with padded walls, and three meals a day brought in...Sounds like heaven to me!

Cara said...

Phew! Sounds like Asher is ready to be 2. I totally feel your pain. My advice: put everything dangerous up higher and higher, lock doors if need be. And regarding tantrums - pick your battles. If eating on your lap gets him to eat and spares you a headache, go for it. He won't eat on your lap forever. Save the strong discipline for important stuff like, "No you may not play with the knife."

And when baby brother shows up, you will discover you have way more skills than you know you have. And when you feel like shooting yourself - call me and we can commiserate!

KickButtMommy said...

You know, I have noticed quite the change in Mimi all of a sudden as well. She is no longer the perfect child she once was and it is EXHAUSTING. Mom and dad are going to be in for it this Christmas. he he he.

GrandmaNutt said...

Devry, I love you. I just laughed and laughed as I read your blog. A 65-year old grandma can get away with laughing. I certainly remember Asher's dad when he was Asher's age. Luckily I had four older kids who were fast and could keep up with Quinn. Before you know it Asher will settle down and be an awesome 'big brother'. See you all in two weeks.

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry Dev. One day you'll look back and laugh about this, right? Maybe?

Mandy and Chris said...

I wish you lived closer.. You need a day at the spa:)!! I will talk to Chris and let him know we are flying out ASAP:) I need a spa day or weekend.. too!

brittani c. said...

Oh, do I empathize with you. Today was another long day for me, but I keep remembering that I expect too much out of my 21-month-old because he IS behaving his age. I pray for patience every. single. day.

Kristy said...

Duuuude! I had no idea! I can't believe that we were so close to you guys! We will NEVER drive to Florida again without swinging by. Promise! SO crazy! Oh an P.S. you need to update:)