After much harassment from my lack of posting I'm finally going to answer one of the tags I received a while back from my cousin
Lacy.Normally I'm opposed to such practices such as tagging but since I've had blogger's block I figured I can use it as an excuse to throw something up here for the world to read. Plus it is 1:30 in the morning and I need something to do since I can't seem to sleep. So here it goes...five little known facts about me (to most people anyway).
1. I have very little feeling in my bottom lip and chin. At first this was a bit of a problem when eating etc...but in the 10+ years that this has been the case I've grown accustom and barely even notice it anymore. When I was 19 I had surgery on my jaw where basically they broke it and then put it back together with screws. I was warned that I might not get all feeling back and indeed they were right. So if you ever see me with food on my chin/lip its most likely there because I can't feel it.
2. When I was in my tween/early teen years I hated the freckles on my arms and tried to only wear long sleeve shirts. I've since embraced my complete lack of pigment and freckles.
3. At one point in my life I was a member of Team Celine. That is right, I actually paid money to join her fan club and I do not regret it. I think I got a Celine Dion pen, mouse pad and a fancy certificate. Totally worth the 50 bucks.
4. I never understood the fascination people had with squeezing other people's blackheads, pimples, etc... but since I've been married, I totally get it. Oh the satisfaction!
5. I knew after about 3 weeks of knowing Quinn that I was going to marry him. It only took him another year or so to come around but eventually he did!!!