Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Our cell phones have suffered a set of unfortunate setbacks and alas we are without any sort of phone in our house. First, I left Quinn's phone in the Cincinnati airport a couple of weeks ago. That is what happens when you have a 5 hour layover. You lose track of things and somewhere along the lines I must have set his cell phone down somewhere and not picked it back up. Someone did find it and called my phone to tell me they had it and asked for our address, but alas we never actually got it back.

We had not been to the cell phone store yet to get a new one because, let's face it, going to that store is torturous and I think on some level we were hoping for a miracle.

Then yesterday, my cell phone finally succumbed to Asher's slobber. I know I shouldn't let him play with the phone but he just whines for it and eventually I give in. So it bit the dust yesterday. The screen went black. It resurrected for a brief moment yesterday before it died again. So now we have no phones. No way of talking to anyone. Well, except for IM, Facebook, email, and Skype of course. But that is it.

Hopefully we will go get new phones this weekend. This will also mean we will probably have to get local numbers now. I hate having to switch numbers. Such a pain.


GrandmaNutt said...

Asher slobbered your phone to death...what a great way to die. Asher you can come slobber Grandma any time. Cells are so small it is a wonder anyone can keep track of them. Good luck on getting a new set.

KickButtMommy said...

ASher, please don't slobber Grandma to death.

Sorry about your loss of phones. Hope you are not incommunicado for too long!

Unknown said...

welcome to the club. too bad you don't even have a house phone. I at least have that.

Cara said...

Yeah, ever consider a land-line? It's nice to have a home phone listed in directories and stuff so that non-emergency calls can just leave messages if you're gone. You know so you don't get called by the Visiting Teaching supervisor while you're shopping.

jenna marie said...

phoneless might be kind of nice for a day or two.

Whenever I'm without mine I miss it and want to make useless calls just bc I can't until the feeling fades.
Maybe its kinda like what it feels like to lose a limb?