Thursday, July 08, 2010

mt. vernon

We drove up to northern Virginia on Friday night. Saturday morning  Vicky, Quinn, Asher and I headed out to Mt. Vernon to see how General George Washington lived. It was beautiful.

Of course we only got one shot with my camera before it died, so the cell phone pics will have to do. I really need to do better about making sure my battery is charged and I have my sd card before I take of on vacation.

Here we are in front of the mansion.

 There was about a 45 minute wait to get inside the mansion, while we waited Asher and Grandma came up with a new drinking method. They poured water into his tray and he drank out of it like it was a trough.

Quinn, Vicky and Asher by a tree that GW planted. I believe it was some sort of poplar.

After the long wait and about to begin the tour.

Asher lasted about five minutes on the tour before Grandma offered to take him outside and let him roam free on the lawn of Mt.Vernon. Isn't the view of the Potomac to die for? I would love to have that view from my back porch.

After we toured the house we visited President Washington's tomb. I loved this tour. He was truly a great man who played such a vital role in our nation's formation.


GrandmaNutt said...

It was a hot day but a very fun day. Asher and I did all sorts of wonderful things while we waited for his folks to check out Washington's digs. The water trough and the orange flag scrubber were only two of the Asher tricks he invented. "George" would have been so gratified to see Asher appreciating the old homestead, all 8,000 acres of it.

FRYBABY said...

You got to visit the southwest and now the east coast!! How awesome! Glad to see that you are taking advantage of every opportunity!

Cara said...

I always neglect my camera battery, too, you are not alone. I love the history here in Virginia!

KickButtMommy said...

I thought the same thing when I visited about sitting on that big wide porch and staring at the Potomac. I could get used to that.