Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Last night for FHE we made chocolate chip cookies. They are quite delicious. Quinn was very helpful in making them, especially when I realized that I had neglected to buy baking soda so he had to make a quick run to the store so we could finish. However, I think we may have made too many. Currently, we probably have about 5 dozen cookies at the house and I didn't even finish baking all the dough. Perhaps, I should have halfed the recipe. Oh well. If any of you want some, feel free to stop by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can NEVER have too many chocolate chip cookies!! Throw all the extras into the freezer. They'll keep, and be delicious whenever you need one. Also try the old ice cream trick again by using chocolate or vanilla or chocolate mint, etc. and sandwiching the ice cream between two cookies. Use up all your cookies this way, put each one in a sandwich bag, and freeze. Soooo fattening!!