Tuesday, August 18, 2009

4 months at 5 months

Asher went to his new pediatrician today for his 4 month check up. We are a month behind with the whole moving business. He passed with flying colors.

Weight: 17 lbs and 7 oz --90th percentile
Height: 26 1/2 inches --92nd percentile

He smiled and laughed with the doctor the whole time. She could hardly help herself and just giggled and flirted back with him the entire appointment. She asked me if he was always like that. I told her yes. He pretty much smiles and laughs all day long. He was a huge hit.

He got a couple of pokes in his legs and off we went.

We cuddled up on the couch when we got home. I got a few "you know that long needle thing they stuck me with? well, that kind of hurt and I need extra attention today" cries, but now he is fast asleep.

I just love this boy!

He is growing up so fast. He grabs at everything now and my hair is definitely paying the price. He is dying to sit up. Bath time is a struggle since he won't relax enough to lay back but also can't quite sit up yet. He pretty much spends his days laughing, smiling, bouncing in his jumparoo and resisting all attempts to get him to nap. I think this week sometime we will introduce him to the wonderful world of solid food.


Jake and Steph said...

He's a little angel and I can't wait to meet him!

Lindsay said...

Ditto to what Steph said. Can't wait to get my hands on him!

Quinn DelHoyo said...

I'm glad I wasn't there for the vaccine session. The first time he got vaccinated I wanted punch the nurse in the face.

GrandmaNutt said...

That's my Tiger...Asher Quinn. What a guy! I can just see him now. He always gets so happy when anyone talks to him. What a charmer. And you are a great mother Devry.

I'm with Quinn when it comes to shots. They are so Medieval.

Cara said...

Ooo, solid food! If Asher thought the shots were painful, wait until he tries a solid food BM.

OK, maybe that was a little gross. My apologies.

KickButtMommy said...

What a man, charming the doc like that! Sounds like his dad!

KickButtMommy said...

CARA! You are crazy.

Dana said...

He's so cute and such a charmer. I can't wait until he flirts with me.

whitey said...

Shots are just has hard on the Mom's as they are the babies.