Friday, September 17, 2010

I went to another OB appointment today. Had another ultrasound. It's crazy how fast the baby has grown since the last one a few weeks ago. The last one (I'm going to refer to the baby as he so I don't have to say it) he was just a blob on the screen. Today he had arms, legs and looked like a baby. He was moving around a ton. I also heard the heart beat. I got really excited! It feels more real now.

In other news, I was reading online the other night about someone who sucked on sour patch kids to help with nausea. Anything citrus and sour really seems to work for me so I took note of this, plus, they are delicious. Anyway, I've been thinking about it non-stop for three days. So finally today, Asher and I stopped off at Walgreens and picked up a few packs of sour patch kids. I'm excited to try it out.


KA said...

So many ultrasounds...I'm surprised they've done 2 already.

Good luck with the sour patches. Citrus made me more nauseated than anything else in the 1st trimester, so I really hope for you!

Nicole M said...

Wow, congrats on baby #2 you guys! That's very exciting!

GrandmaNutt said...

Everything sounds so wonderful and "he" already sounds like a handful. I am so happy for you, Quinn, and Asher. Hugs to all of you.

laura said...

Exciting news! You and I may be pretty close. I'm 13 weeks now.

I love those big suckers (the ones with wooden sticks) when I'm nauseous. Just sucking on something seems to help. If I can't get those yummy suckers, then even a blowpop will do, but those good suckers are the best. When I was pregnant with Andrew I had my mom send me a bunch of them and they lasted me through the first rough weeks!

Stephanie said...

I can say that sour patch kids totally helped me! I ate nothing but lemons, limes and sour patch kids in the first trimester and only threw up twice. They are delicious, but honestly they will make your tongue all gross if you eat too many so watch out!

KickButtMommy said...

That sounds like my kind of treatment.

whitey said...

congratulations! sour patch kids seems strange to me but if it works it works!