Day 1: Arrived in Virginia. Unfortunately, as the trip progressed I started to feel sicker and sicker. My ear was bothering me somewhat on the flight...a foreshadowing of things to come. By the time we got to my In-laws house I was full-fledged sick and could do nothing but lay down. Not exactly the way I was hoping to start the trip. Everyone was over for dinner and a birthday party for my nephew, Tyson. I only wish I was more in the partying mood.
Day 2: Still sick. Really I slept most of the day. I have no idea what anyone else did, but I'm sure it was fun.
Day 3: The plan was to drive to my sister-in-law's house for a visit. Unfortunately, when I woke up my left ear was completely clogged and I could hear nothing out of it. I realized that I had an ear infection and probably needed an antibiotic. So after an hour on the phone with my insurance company they directed me to what they said was an Urgent Care. In actuality it was an ER. I thought that was a bit of overkill for an ear ache when I knew all I needed was some antibiotics and I would be fine. So Quinn located and urgent care and $150 later I had my prescription.
Day 4: After 24 hours of antibiotics I was feeling much better. So we headed off to the National Air and Space Museum with Quinn's brother Miles, his wife Heather and two of their adorable kids.
Below is a picture of us with our nephew Christian in front of the space shuttle. Very cool.
Day 5: We went ice skating. Well, I should be more accurate. Quinn and I watched everyone ice skate. I still wasn't feeling 100 percent so I figured it would be better to sit this activity out. Instead we watched our niece Ella while her parents skated their hearts out and we sat inside and sipped on hot chocolate.
Day 6: A relaxing day at home making final preparations for Christmas.
Day 7: Christmas Eve. It was a great day. We started off by going to church where my mother-in-law put on church single handily. She spoke in Sacrament, taught Sunday School and was part of the Relief Society program. All of it was amazing and a great way to start Christmas. That evening everyone came over for dinner and festivities. There were performances and a nativity as well as a visit from Santa. I was lucky enough to sit on Santa's lap. I don't have a picture but if my SIL Heather would be so kind to send it to me I could post for all to enjoy. Thanks Heather!
Day 8: Christmas morning. Quinn and I joined our nieces and nephew around 7:30 and then ate cinnamon rolls and began unwrapping gifts. It was so much fun. Quinn surprised me with my very own digital camera. Yes it is true! I finally have one. I'm so excited. So now my blog will be updated with pictures! Later that day everyone came over again and we had dinner and opened more gifts.
Day 9: My mother-in-law took Quinn and I to old town Alexandria. It was full of cute old colonial houses and cobblestone streets. We walked up and down old town, did some window shopping and ate lunch. Very fun. Below is a picture of Quinn and I on the cobblestone street. By the way, this picture was taken with my very own camera!!!
Day 10: Had to wake up at 3 am to catch 6 am flight back to Utah. But we made it.
Now we begin the preparations for the move to Dallas. Should be exciting.