Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nature Shows and a Secret

Quinn loves nature shows. We've started Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel and it is really interesting. Last night we were treated to our very own private nature show. On our way out, right by the right front tire of our car, we interrupted two rabbits engaged in, how should we say this, adult things. We watched them for about 5 minutes as the male bunny was in hot pursuit of the female bunny. He was relentless and succeeded in the end. This is just one delight to being surrounded by so many animals while spring is in the air.

Secret anti-perspirant has long claimed that it is "Strong enough for a man, but PH balanced for a woman." We now know this to not be true. Quinn ran out of deodorant. He later informed me that he has just been using my Secret. Let's just say, it is NOT strong enough for a man. But never fear, I got him some man deodorant today--a nice Old Spice variety.


Anonymous said...

What correlation are we do draw between bunny rabbits in nature and ph balances in deoderant? I think Freud would have a field day with this post. But not me. I draw no inferences or pursue any conjecture toward the grouping of the aforementioned subjects. Alas, I prefer to take the post on it's face value and realize that indeed nature is wonderful -- as is modern science which can hide the scent of a woman or man for that matter.
Imagine reading what I just wrote with a sophisticated southern drawl. I just watched "The Ladykillers" for the first time. Tom Hanks really is a good actor.

lacy lee said...

Although Dave would die before using my toothbrush, he also has no qualms about helping himself to my deoderant in a pinch.

KickButtMommy said...

Hmm, maybe you should try Secret Platinum. Too bad he is not like Miles. Miles is one of those strange people that either do not sweat or do not stink when they sweat. So he never wears deoderant. He just does not need too! Wish I had that problem.

Anonymous said...

OK. I just don't know what to say about any of this. In fact, I don't want to touch either subject. Just tell Quinn that I found his necktie and will send it out to Texas shortly.

KA said...

I'll leave it to the others to comment on the bunnies but I will say that I can't imagine Jon using my deoderant ever. Also, I don't super think I would love it if he did. Just saying.

Justin said...

Wendy has used my toothbrush before, but HATES it if I use hers. And your bunny comments reminded me of tonight's "The Office" with the obscene watermark...pretty dirty/funny.