Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I thought I would finally post a bit of an update. I am now gainfully employed once again. It is nice to have a purpose again. Although, I will say that I see Quinn much less now. Before, I would get to see him when he came home for lunch and after five for a bit and then I would usually try to stay up until he came home or at least have him wake me up when he got home. But now that I have somewhere to be early every morning, I prefer if he just lets me sleep. But we will get use to it I’m sure.

My new challenge is having the energy to go to work, brave traffic, come home, make dinner, and clean etc…So far, I have let the clean etc. slide, but I’m hoping to make strides in getting it under control again this week and once again having a nice balanced life.

All of the sudden it is HOT in Texas. I swear it happened over night. There use to be nice spring weather and now not so much. The sad thing is that I’m sure it is only going to get worse.

In other news, I finally got around to getting the newest book that has discussed a lot in the blogosphere. I went over to the B&N today during lunch and picked up Twilight. I only got through the first chapter before I had to get back to work, but I’m eagerly awaiting getting home and cracking it open. I have been dying to find out what this Vampire love obsession is about. I’m sure I won’t be disappointed.


KA said...

Well, you might be disappointed with Twilight, but you still won't be able to help yourself. You should have picked up the sequel while you were at B&N.

Cara said...

How much can you have to clean, really? With nobody home all day, I'm sure even the dust gets bored and goes elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

So happy to have you up and on the blog again. Congratulations on your terrific job. Being active and productive does take getting used to after succumbing to the life of ease. We lived seven years in Texas....loved it, even the wild weather. I west Texas there was the tradition of guessing the first day the temp would reach 100 degrees. And every year that day was in April. Have fun and watch out for the thunderstorms and tornadoes.

KickButtMommy said...

Glad you are back among the world of the gainfullly employed and the world of blogging. We are reading Twighlight for book club this month, but I have yet to get my copy. You have inspired me to do so.