Saturday, June 23, 2007


I hate change. But yet, I am a cash person. Quinn and I even once got into an argument because as we were walking through the mall one afternoon I threw away a dime that I had because I didn't want to carry it around any more.

This morning Quinn needed some quarters. So I told him I thought I had some in my purse. The next thing I know, I can hear him from the next room going crazy over how much change I had in my purse. Obviously he had to take it all out and count it.

So here are the results:

$21.95 and 41 pesos
Needless to say, my purse is MUCH lighter now.


ld said...

Maybe you too could start a 50 States Quarter® collection or join the Where's George? website then Mr. Paulson would visit your blogsite and call you a numismatist too.

PS: Go ahead and throw the Pesos away.

ld said...

Then again…the 41 pesos are worth $3.78

Sioux said...

I, for one, live off the change that my kids and Woody will not spend! It began back when the kids were young. They didn't think it was cool to spend pennies-but what they never learned is that pennies grow into dollars$

Cara said...

You need a change jar. Empty the coins into a jar at home, then after awhile you have enough to cash in on somethinge fun like a movie date or something.

KickButtMommy said...

Now I know where to go when I need a loan! You should make it the date jar like Cara said! I can smell Cheesecake Factory!

jmr said...

whats up with the pesos? Do they show up randomly in the change exchange down there in TX?