Friday, June 08, 2007


About 3 days ago Quinn got sick with a cold. He had been working very hard and pretty much getting no sleep at all, so I knew it was only a matter of time before he got sick. I tried my hardest to steer clear of him whilst ill, but alas it didn't work. Last night, I started to get sick. And of course, as luck would have it, I'm sicker than Quinn is. I'm running a lovely little fever and haven't been able to breathe out of my nose in 24 hours. Quinn has been great. I asked him to go ask the pharmacist what he recommends for severe congestion because Advil Cold and Sinus was doing nothing for me. Quinn came home with some Sudafed and I'm hoping this will help. He also just went out to go get some sorbet for me to help my throat. Isn't he the best? I just hope I took care of him as well as he is taking care of me.


ld said...

Have him purchase some Airborne. (You can get it at Costco.)

Someone at work told me about the stuff. It's like Alka-Selter tablets.

"Take at the first sign of a cold symptom or before entering crowded environments, like airplanes, offices, and schools.

Airborne® was developed by a school teacher who was sick of getting sick in the classroom."

ld said...


Anonymous said...

Devry, I'm so sorry that you are sick and I'm glad that Q is stepping up. You are a sweetheart and I hope that you feel better.

KickButtMommy said...

Sorry you guys are sick. We can relate over here. Nothing like feeling like garbage to make you appreciate health.

Cara said...

I still think you sounded good on the phone!