Friday, September 12, 2008


I just got back from my Ike shopping trip to Walmart. Obviously the storm will be much weakened by the time it reaches Dallas but they say we could have lots of rain and high winds. So yesterday I realized that we will be in big trouble this weekend if I don't get to the store. So I went and bought some bottled water and food to get us through the weekend if we have to stay in. Of course this is all worst case scenario, it will probably be nothing more than heavy rain, but better safe than sorry.

I also heeded my friend Elise's advice on a delicious food concoction.

Here it is in all its glory.

Water and this should get us through the weekend, right?


KickButtMommy said...

Wow, that looks lethal but yummy.

Dana said...

Wow! I'm equal parts sickened/jealous. I love the tray, though.

Sioux said...

MMMMM! My kind of emergency supplies!

Anonymous said...

You had better lock the doors b/c MIL is moving in!

Cara said...

Cool Halloween candy! I gained 2 pounds last week - probably from all the pink and brown M&Ms I took away from my baby shower...

Anonymous said...

Now this looks like a recipe I might try and succeed at! I too love the tray.