Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It's official. My hands and feet are officially swollen. I'm just glad it took this long to get to this point. I'd been having a bit of swelling at the end of the day for the last week or so, but yesterday it pretty much stayed that way all day and today looks to be about the same. I'm not complaining and it isn't really even that bad. It just looks like I have fat fingers and I can't wear my wedding ring anymore.


GrandmaNutt said...

Excellent timing. Now your doctor should take you even more seriously. Just make sure you sleep sitting up tonight with your arms and legs hanging down so that you are nicely swollen for your appointment tomorrow. How's Texas Ranger doing?

Cami said...

What? You are just now officially swollen? I am glad for you that it won't last too long. I can't wait to hear all about the next week! Good luck!

KickButtMommy said...

I think it is coming for me too. Especially now that our weather is hitting the 80's.

Dana said...

Umm, I think that the swelling is a reason to induce, right? Also I'm mad you are just barely swelling. I was swollen w/ Joe from conception and w/ Sadie for the last 2 months.

Janet said...

Speaking of swollen - I traveled from Korea to Utah just 17 days before Jenny was born. Twenty-four hours in transit and I had no ankles - same circumference from feet to knees!

I hope he decides to come soon!

KickButtMommy said...

Okay, your baby widget is downright depressing now.

Unknown said...

I keep checking your blog as if you will post when you are in labor. AAAAHAHAH!
I hope the swelling gets better soon as a result of the baby coming out into the world!

Cara said...

I'm a little disappointed that Seamus Patrick did not come to pass. Oh well. But I am very protective of my birthday, so he better come before Sunday. :)

The Condies said...

You're lucky! I stopped wearing my wedding ring a couple weeks ago, I didn't want to fight anymore with taking it off! Can't wait to hear how it goes!