Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dumb Laws

Somehow Quinn and I got on a discussion of stupid state laws. He had seemed to remember that it was illegal to drink milk in Utah. I just could not understand why this would be. So obviously, we googled weird state laws and came across the following website: Dumb Laws. Turns out it is actually illegal to not drink milk. I guess I was breaking the laws for years and didn't even know it since I can't stand to drink milk.

Some of our favorites are:

A husband is responsible for every criminal act committed by his wife while she is in his presence.

It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.

It is illegal to tickle women.

A recently passed anti-crime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed.

Seriously? Elected officials actually spent time on that??


KickButtMommy said...

That is comical!

Anonymous said...

I hereby give notice that I intend to comment on your blog in 24 hours.

Cara said...

I will have to post the VA law in my house as protection. Now that I have the power of the VA legislature behind me, maybe I can get some peace!

Anonymous said...

Cara, Sorry about your dad but he has always loved tickling you. Dev, Now you know that Texas is really not a serious state. The state congresspersons spend too much time tickling each other to take time for serious thinking.

jmr said...

It is illegal to take naps at the cheese factory in.. Wisconsin I believe is was? The radio guys did a list of dumb laws the other morning and this was the only one I could remember.